City of Pawtucket


Mayor Donald R. Grebien

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HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Mark Goudreau

Community Development Program Manager


The City of Pawtucket, Department of Planning and Redevelopment

137 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860

Phone Number

401-728-0500 ext. 1098

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For Program Year 25 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) The City of Pawtucket anticipates receiving
$500,000 in HOME Housing Investment Partnerships Federal Funding depending on HUD approval.


The program was authorized by the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-625). The HOME program is a federal block grant program that provides funding to states and localities to be used exclusively for affordable housing activities to benefit low and moderate-income households. HOME funds are awarded as loans and/or grants to eligible applicants.


HOME is the largest federally-funded program administered by the States and localities designed to create affordable housing for low and moderate-income households. The HOME program is designed to:

  • Provide quality, affordable housing for Pawtucket residents
  • Strengthen communities
  • Expand the capacity of non-profit housing development organizations
  • Leverage private sector participation

For more information on the Federal program visit:

HOME Housing Investment Partnerships Funding Application