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Explore free senior transportation services in Pawtucket offered by the Leon A. Mathieu Senior Center

The Leon A. Mathieu Senior Center offers free transportation services to Pawtucket residents ages 55 and older on the City’s two Senior Shuttles. This service is available to those who do not have a means of transportation to ensure isolation does not occur and that individuals can remain active in the community.
The Senior Center schedules trips to a variety of locations including grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, and to programs and activities offered at the Senior Center. In addition to these core services, weekly and monthly trips are offered to department stores, area restaurants as part of the lunch club, and statewide cultural and recreational attractions.
To schedule a ride, contact the Senior Transportation phone line, 401-725-8220, or call the Senior Center’s main number 401-728-7582.
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Special Trips
Registration is required. Each person is able to sign up for any shopping trip, one lunch trip, and one special trip initially. You may sign up for additional lunch and special trips as space permits. The cost for transportation is $2 per person. There is an additional fee for event costs and lunch cost is your own responsibility.
See Senior Center newsletter to get an up-to-date listing of these trips.
Senior Center Trip Policy
Please be ready and waiting for the shuttle van 10 minutes before your pick-up time.
Call 401-725-8220 to cancel transportation the evening before or morning of pickup (call before 7:00 a.m.). After 7:00 a.m., you may call the Senior Center’s main line, 401-728-7582. If you are going on any Senior Center trips that will interfere with your lunch at the Blackstone Cafe, you must cancel your lunch ahead of time. It is your responsibility to notify the Blackstone Cafe of your absence.
If you miss your scheduled shuttle van pickup, please contact the Senior Center’s main number 401-728-7582 so that the office can contact the driver.
Call 401-728-5480, Blackstone Cafe, to cancel your meals and MTM Transportation to the meal site.
Trip payments ($2.00) are not refundable unless you are able to find a replacement or we are able to fill your place from a waiting list.
For those going on grocery and shopping trips, please note that purchases of cases of water, soda, or beverages are limited to one case per person. The following items are not allowed: large appliances, furniture, and items weighing more than 20 pounds. Please limit the number of shopping bags to no more than four.