City of Pawtucket

Directions to Senior Center

Step-by-step navigation to the Leon Mathieu Senior Center.

From Providence:

  1. Take Route 95 North to Exit 41 A (Downtown Pawtucket)
  2. Continue on Marrin Street
  3. Take your second left at the traffic light onto Pine Street
  4. Follow to your third light and take a right onto Main Street
  5. Go one block and take a right onto Hill Street
  6. Take a left into the parking lot. This is the parking area for Leon Mathieu Senior Center. There is access to the Senior Center from this parking lot.

From Massachusetts:

  1. Take Route 95 South to Exit 41 (Downtown Pawtucket)
  2. Take a right at the first light by the Hampton Inn, George Street Becomes Park Place
  3. Continue on Park Place to you first stop sign
  4. Take a left at the stop sign; continue through the first traffic light
  5. Leon Mathieu Senior Center is one block on your left
  6. Take a left onto Hill Street and take a left into the parking lot. There is access to the Senior Center from this parking lot.