Building Improvement Program Grant
The City of Pawtucket is excited to launch an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funded Building Improvement Program Grant. This initiative is designed to address critical needs within the community, particularly those exacerbated by the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. By focusing on buildings in a severely impacted area of the city, this grant program will empower urban stakeholders, strengthen small business resilience, and foster positive social change. These grants can serve as catalysts for innovation, infrastructure improvements, or targeted interventions that address pressing community needs.
If any applicant needs assistance with compliance, design, engineering, project pricing, contractor selection and oversight, the City will be securing technical support from a professional full service project management firm to offer this assistance, without cost to the applicant.
Zoom Meeting Time:
1PM - August 19, 2024
Zoom Meeting
1PM - August 19, 2024
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