City of Pawtucket

Announcement of  

Request for Funding Proposals 

City of Pawtucket, Rhode Island 


Federal Housing and Community Development Programs 

Program Year July 1, 2025- June 30, 2026 


Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) 


The City of Pawtucket estimates approximately $1,700,000 to be available to fund activities eligible under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Some eligible activities under the CDBG program include housing, economic development, public improvements, historic preservation, and human service funding. Activities must be directed to provide benefits to low and moderate-income Pawtucket residents. For a complete list of CDBG eligible activities, individuals and organizations are invited to pick up or call for a CDBG application packet from the Pawtucket Dept. of Planning and Redevelopment, 137 Roosevelt Ave., 1st Fl., Pawtucket, RI 02860, (401) 728-0500, X430. 


Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) 

The City of Pawtucket is requesting proposals from For-Profit Developers, Non-Profit Developers and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) to create decent, safe, and affordable housing units for the low to moderate-income citizens of Pawtucket. The City estimates approximately $500,000 to become available for project funding. Eligible activities under the HOME Program include:   


1) Acquisition of Property; 2) Substantial Rehabilitation of Units over $25,000 a unit;  

3) Moderate Rehabilitation of Units under $25,000 a unit; 4) Tenant-Based Rental Assistance. 


Please note applicants will be required to match HOME funds with other sources. Individuals and organizations are invited to pick up or call for a HOME application packet from the Pawtucket Dept. of Planning and Redevelopment, 137 Roosevelt Ave., 1st Fl., Pawtucket, RI 02860, (401) 728-0500, X430. 



Emergency Solutions Grant Program Organizations Serving the Homeless 


The City of Pawtucket is an entitlement community under the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program. This year the City expects to receive approximately $150,000 in ESG funds that are primarily to be used to provide shelter and assistance to homeless individuals and families. Applications serving the City of Pawtucket’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding will be accepted through the State of Rhode Island Consolidated Homeless Fund Partnership. Applications are expected in late spring.  


Public Hearings 


Members of the community may join the Public Meetings on March 5 and 6, 2025 at 5:00 PM in Blackstone Valley Tourism Center Theatre where applicants will present details and answer questions regarding their funding requests. Campbell Auditorium is accessible to persons who are disabled.  Persons who may need a language or sign interpreter to participate at the meeting, need to contact Mark E. Goudreau, Department of Planning and Redevelopment, 401-728-0500 ext 1098 or [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting date. 



Proposals for all programs are due by WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2025, AT 4:00 P.M.  For further information or for assistance in preparing a funding application, please contact Mark E. Goudreau at the City of Pawtucket, Department of Planning and Redevelopment, 137 Roosevelt Ave., 1st Fl., Pawtucket, RI 02860, [email protected]  


(401) 728-0500, Ext. 430 



  AD.2025-2026_apps available


AD.2025-2026_apps available en español