City of Pawtucket

The City of Pawtucket, Division of Senior Services, Leon Mathieu Senior Center is sponsoring a fundraiser show on Sunday, October 27th at 1:00 p.m. at Jenks Junior High School at 350 Division Street Pawtucket, RI in collaboration with the Jacqueline Walsh School for the Arts and the Pawtucket Senior Citizens Council.  This showcase will feature the Leon Mathieu Senior Center line dancers and many special guests from the community.  Cabaret show to include singers, dancers, novelty acts, magicians, sing alongs and fun entertainment for everyone to enjoy!  Proceeds from ticket sales to directly benefit services and programming provided by the Leon Mathieu Senior Center.  Mark your calendars for this inspiring show.  Ticket prices to be announced.  More information forthcoming.  For more information about this event or participation, please contact the Leon Mathieu Senior Center at 728-7582.