City of Pawtucket

Tax Exemption Information for 2024 Billing

Tax Assessor:  Robert Burns x218

Other Extensions: x212, x219, x336, x555

Deadline to apply for all Exemptions is March 15th and must be done in person (except for Blind Exemption)



Veteran or Unmarried Widow of a Veteran


To each person who served in the military or naval service of the United States with an Honorable discharge**


Gold Star Parent


To one parent of a service member who died while serving in the military or naval service of the United States


Total Service Connected Veteran


To each person 100% disabled per the Veterans Administration (must show documentation from the VA stating such), qualify as a veteran (see above) and has an Honorable discharge. (Residential –  must own and occupy the real estate in the city)




To each person under 65 years of age, who own and occupy  real estate in the city and show an updated Awards Certificate (dated within a month) with Date of Entitlement showing that they have been collecting for 2 years minimum




To one person age 65 or over who owns and occupies real estate in the city – maximum 3 unit (Residential only – limit of one per household)




To each person who is 100% blind per their ophthamologist (letter must be sent in from the ophthamologist stating such).  For Residential, the person must own and occupy the real estate in the city.




To each property that is in a National Register of Historic Places and is listed in the City of Pawtucket’s local historic district (as defined in the City Ordinance Chapter 2726).  Must be owner occupied and does not apply to condo units or commercial property.




To each person who was a Prisoner of War


** To receive Vet exemption, bring in DD-214 (Separation Papers)