Pawtucket Hall of Fame
Pawtucket Hall of Fame Committee 2022

Patricia S. Zacks

Diane Dufresne

Larry Monastesse

David Deloge
Board Members
Cheryl Babiec
David M. Deloge
Robert E. Benson
Diane C. Dufresne
Sandra L. Benson
Wendy Jencks
Mary Ellen Minton
Neil Steinberg
Lawrence J. Monastesse
Herb Weiss
Carlos Spinola
Patricia Zacks
Eligibility for Hall of Fame
This award is given to those selected nominees who have gone “above and beyond” in their community service activities and/or who have been vehicles that shine a positive light upon the city.
Nominees need not be native born to Pawtucket, but must have had some significant impact on the city as a whole.
A person is eligible for election to the City of Pawtucket Hall of Fame if that person meets any or all of the following criteria:
- born in the City of Pawtucket
- whose reputation was made while a resident of the City of Pawtucket
- who made the City of Pawtucket the home of their business
- who has made a lasting impact on the quality of life of the citizens of the City of Pawtucket.
To Nominate a person to the Pawtucket Hall of Fame:
- A letter of nomination must be sent to the Chairperson listing the nominee’s name and a statement why this person is being nominated.
- Additional letters from other individuals supporting the nomination are strongly encouraged.
- After the nomination process is closed, interview meetings will be scheduled and that person (or a representative) making the nomination will be invited to appear before the committee to discuss the nomination.
Letters of Nomination should be mailed to:
Patricia S. Zacks, Chair
Pawtucket Hall of Fame Committee
PO BOX 3640
Pawtucket, RI 02861
DEADLINE FOR NOMINATION: Friday – May 17, 2024
For additional information, please contact Patricia S. Zacks, Chair at 401-273-5367 or [email protected]. You may also find us on Facebook “Pawtucket Hall of Fame”.
Contact Information
See Our Hours →
Pawtucket City Hall,
137 Roosevelt Avenue
3rd Floor
Pawtucket, RI 02860
City Clerk/Probate Court – Rooms 300-302