City of Pawtucket

Pawtucket City Planning CommissionNotice of Public HearingOn Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6 p.m. the CityThe Planning Commission will hold a public hearingat Pawtucket Public Library, 13 Summer Street,Pawtucket, Rhode Island, to review the followingprojects:– A proposed commercial development in theNarragansett Park Plaza at 675 Beverage HillAvenue. The applicant, Amalgamated FinancialGroup IV, proposes the renovation of the existingshopping plaza and the construction of newstructures for commercial, retail, residential andoffice uses. This property is zoned CommercialMixed-Use (CMU). At the conclusion of this publichearing, the City Planning Commission mayvote to approve, approve with conditions or denythis proposed development project.– A proposed development located at 300 PineStreet at the Pawtucket-Central Falls Transit Hub(Assessors Plat 44A Lot 559). Applicant, RhodeIsland Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) proposesto construct a 2,600 s.f. building for use ofRIPTA passengers and employees. The propertyis zoned Conant Thread (CT). At the conclusionof this public hearing, the City Planning Commissionmay vote to approve, approve withconditions or deny this proposed developmentproject.This meeting is available to the public and is accessibleto people with disabilities. If you are inneed of interpreter services for the hearing impaired,please contact the City Clerk’s Office at(401) 722-8239 (TDD) not less than 48 hours inadvance of the hearing date. Copies of the applicationsand plans may be examined during normalbusiness hours at the Department of Planningand Redevelopment. For further meetingaccess information, contact the Department ofPlanning and Redevelopment, 137 Roosevelt Avenue,1st Floor, Pawtucket, RI 02860. The telephonenumber is (401) 728-0500, X430.