City of Pawtucket

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 6 p.m. the City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at
Pawtucket Public Library, 13 Summer Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, to review a proposed
development at 0 New Street/Samuel Avenue (Assessor’s Plat 48 Lot 700). The applicant, Cheng
Lin, is seeking to construct a 10,036 s.f. residential structure with twenty-eight (28) units. This
project will also include a Zoning review of a Special Use Permit under Section 410-60(T) of the
Pawtucket Zoning Ordinance to allow this use in an Industrial Open (MO) zone. At the conclusion of this public hearing, the City Planning Commission may vote to approve, approve with conditions or deny this proposed development project. This meeting is available to the public and is accessible to people with disabilities. If you are in need of interpreter services for the hearing impaired, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (401) 722-8239 (TDD) not less than 48 hours in advance of the hearing date. Copies of the applications and plans may be examined during normal business hours at the Department of Planning and Redevelopment. For further meeting access information, contact the Department of Planning and Redevelopment, 137 Roosevelt Avenue, 1st Floor, Pawtucket, RI 02860. The telephone number is (401) 728-0500, X430.