City of Pawtucket

Seasonal Booklet and Information

Seasonal Flyers/ Booklet; Summer Information, Registration.

On this Page

All Parks & Recreation venue details and permits are available through the
Parks & Recreation Office at Slater Park or by calling 728-0500 ext 251

Slater Park rentals are available starting the first weekend in May through Columbus Day weekend

Daggett Farm Outing Area Rental

Open during the first weekend of May through the last weekend of August. 

We offer a large grassy area with 4 horse shoe pits, picnic tables, 2 BBQ grills and electricity if needed

Capacity: 1-150 people

Vets Swimming Pool


Currently closed due to staffing shortages- more information will be released in the coming weeks

No food or beverages allowed in pool area.
No flotation devices allowed.

Slater Park Carousel

Open: first Saturday in April (tentative) through the last weekend in June.

Saturdays, Sundays
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The daily schedule will begin from the last weekend of the month through the month of August.

Birthday Parties at the Slater Park Carousel:
2 Hour Rental

Birthday parties will be offered starting the first weekend in May.

2 Party Times Available:
11:00 AM –1:00 PM
2:00 –4:00 PM

Saturdays & Sundays


No parties after November 1st.
For more information call 728-0500 EXT. 251

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